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The Bracken Pack Wiki
The Bracken Pack Wiki

There are two types of weapons in the Bracken Pack, Survival and Admin Exclusive. Survival weapons can be obtained in survival without the use of cheats, however they still can be obtained via cheats. Some of these weapons are stronger when obtained with commands, however they are still very powerful. Admin Exclusive weapons can only be obtained through commands. These weapons are often ridiculously strong, as they do not need to be balanced around survival mode.

NOTE: It is recommended to use the resource pack when viewing these items to see their proper textures.

Survival Weapons[]

The Paxmaker[]

A pale sword that used to be used by The Protector within Pax. It is enchanted with smite VII, knockback III, and sweeping edge. The base attack damage is 12. It also increases your base movement speed by a small amount. The lore tab translates to "A protector, until the day when all swords are broken." You can obtain this weapon in survival by defeating the Unsung. This sword is used by the Swordfall magic book, however this sword is only visually different from a normal Netherite Sword. and there is also another sword in the files of the resource pack that is named swordfall. The fallen swords in the Cenotaph biome in Pax are representations of this sword.


A tool that shares a striking resemblance to a command block. It is able to be used as a sword, as it is enchanted with Sharpness 6 and Looting 11. While held in the offhand it massively increases weapon attack speed and luck. A nerfed version of the null is accessible by killing The Disruptor boss in the Omnidrome. The description is in binary and translates to ";)"

Shepherdess Cloak[]

The only Overpowered Armor in the set. It grants the person wearing it very extremely high damage reduction and deals large amounts of thorn damage to any attackers. You can obtain this item by defeating the Ruination boss in the Sanctum Dungeon.

Mortal Cull[]

An axe covered in vines and growths. This axe has very slow attack speed but very high damage output. It also heavily decreases your movement speed while held, but increases your armor points by 4 (2 full armor icons), and makes you virtually immune to knockback. You can obtain this weapon after defeating the Sporangium boss in Panacea. Goes great with Null.

Misc. Items[]

These weapons cannot be obtained in the same way with /function, however they are still able to be obtained in survival.

Void Bomb[]

This weapon can be obtained in one of two ways in survival, either as a guaranteed drop from defeating the Disruptor, or as one of the possible items in the Sanctum Dungeon Den loot. When used, it creates an area of effect cloud that gives any mobs or player in it multiple negative potion effects. It expands after a short delay to a massive size. It is named "Drop of Void" when spawned. While held, it slightly slows you down.

Glacium Glider[]

The Glacium Glider is a drop from Bygone Viceroy. When equipped, it gives you a large speed bonus. As a bonus, it prevents the waters of Glacium from giving you the wither effect, however it also allows Enderlings and Netherkin to enter water without getting the wither effect. It functions as a normal Elytra as well. The description is "Traveler's Largesse" which roughly means Traveler's Gift. It is unknown if this refers to the Traveler or the player.

Frost Spite[]

Frost Spite functions similarly to the totem of undying, but instead of resurrecting you upon death, it creates a large explosion that destroys your items and deals damage to anything nearby. This is to prevent people from taking your items after you die. If you die while holding a Totem of Undying in your offhand and this in your mainhand (or vice versa), the totem will always take priority, as in, the totem will trigger before frost spite can. This item is found in the recently added Glacium Sun structure.

Admin Exclusive Weapons[]

Jewel of Adhain[]

The Jewel of Adhain contains the first light of the nether. The jewel has fire aspect 1,000, and also functions as a flint and steel. Its lore tab translates to "The spark that started it all."

Jewel of Fuar[]

A icy wand that sends enemies flying really far away. It functions as a shovel and makes you move as fast as if you were holding the Paxmaker. The description of it says, "Éilíonn an geimhreadh tost," which translates to, "Winter demands silence."


A pickaxe that appears as though it is made from bedrock and deals significant damage. It also greatly increases your drops, grants knockback resistance, allows you to insta-mine most blocks, and gives armor equal to that of full diamond while held, although it slows you down by a small amount. The description translates to "and my pickaxe". This pickaxe is used by the Worm-Toothed Burrower spell book, however it is only visually different and functions as a normal Netherite Pickaxe if somehow obtained.


A black scythe wielded by the infamous Ruination that deals 10,000 damage per hit. Its lore tab states: "The end of all realms is The End." You can also use it as a hoe. It slows you down slightly while held.

Skogabogg Scimitar[]

The Skogabogg Scimitar, also known as the Poison Blade in the files, is a sword that inflicts poison on your enemies. It also gives you one extra heart, and has the same sprite as Gothrum Fang. The description of it states "A sword by any other name would sting as sharp."
